Sunday, March 9, 2008


Dermal fillers are substances that are injected just below the surface of the skin to fill in lines,wrinkles and scars. Fillers add volume for a more natural and a youthful experience. Fillers are also used for sharp breasts ,beautiful lips . They can be administered quickly to remove wrinkles but it should be tested for allergies before using. According to dermatologists the process involves injecting hyaluronic acid using a fine needle inserted at several points. They provide a quick cosmetic boost to the looks and psyche . Fillers are fast, quick and it takes only a lunch time visit.

Fillers can be of two kinds:

  • Short term - last for three to six months.

  • Long term- last upto ten years .
Dermal fillers is very easy but more expensive. Each injection costs around Rs 8000 t0 12000.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So how much this long process costs?, if there is minor price difference between these two procedures than you should go for the long one.